Searching for a web site designer for your business or organization can be a mind numbing task. You want good design at affordable pricing and they all claim they deliver. Our greatest concern is to get your advertizing up on the internet where you can have the greatest return on your investment - all pricing is negotiable. We at GEMEFX are more concerned with complete customer satisfaction. ![]() When pricing out Internet sites, the following items are taken into consideration: How many pages? Any long HTML pages? Do you have a logo? On disk? Do you have any photos to scan? What about screen shots - convert to GIF/JPEG? Any graphics to convert for the Internet? Writing - Do we need to write anything? Testing Site - Internet Explorer vs. Netscape. Background images? Form for E-mail - Need script? Register site with search engines? Keywords, Phrases and Description for search engines? Additional Internet marketing? Of course, having more or less of these items affect the price. We will prepare a written proposal detailing everything along with a quick sketch. This way, you can see what we´re thinking and how we came up with the quoted price. Here are some ballpark numbers - this is NOT a guarantee of pricing. Each project is quoted based on complexity and the amount of time it will take to finish the site. We Will Not Be Under Sold!Not sure what you can afford in your budget
for online advertising or a web site? Contact
us! We will not be undersold. Let us review what can be done within
your budget and design a site that fits your specific business needs.
Prices do not include applicable tax.
These packages include:
Small Business Package #1 -WEB sites of up to 4 pages including index - $200 Small Business Package #2 -WEB sites of 5-7 pages including index - $400 Small Business Package #3 -WEB Sites of 8-10 pages including index & Site map page - $700 Let GEMEFX! WEBEFX! Web Design and Graphics look at your brick and mortar business site (initial consultation is FREE). We can custom make a site plan to fit YOUR business needs and budget Pricing does not include applicable tax.
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