Created Chaos, The Shadow Government and the Coming American Coup!

President John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University in 1963 said , "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom, and before I leave this office, I must inform the citizens of their plight."

Ten days later, President Kennedy was eliminated.

by: G. E. Malin

All it would take is a significant national crisis of sufficient magnitude for the President of the United States to declare "Martial Law." Life in these United States would then cease to exist as we know it today. Executive Orders placed into law by presidents in the last several decades would take effect and override the US Constitution and put into play the powers that these orders grant to the President and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Once this happens, according to the powers granted by these orders, George W. Bush Jr, with his Father in tow, could be President indefinitely. Sound like a coup?

Created Chaos or Possible Coup?

In view of today's crisis, that the US Government is claiming, "Intelligence Failure" in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, critics are pointing to something greater than a failure to, "connect the dots" in dozens of warnings of impending attacks, perhaps allowing them to happen or even orchestrating them. (see- The 9/11 Time Line & The Government Knew About Airplane Attacks in US ). Investigations are underway, but the White House is impeding them by an unprecedented refusal to conduct an open investigation stating national security concerns and the risk of possible leaks.

The world domination military policy and proposed attack on Iraq of the current Bush Administration (see -Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' BEFORE Becoming Elected) has been predicted by world community nations to plunge the entire world into chaos - including America. Yet the Bush Administration is running America head on into this disaster, with or without the UN or world community backing.

President George W. Bush Jr. repeatedly claims that he aims to use war to bring peace and safety to the worlds troubled regions yet other nations tell us the most powerful nation on the face of the earth is running headlong into disaster in the interests of corporate oil exploitation. President Bush, in a demand to the United Nations to back his planned attack on Iraq, presented nothing to support his claims of Saddams "weapons of mass distruction." Instead his speech was more of a threat to the UN with rhetoric of, "if your not for us, your against us."

In my mind this begs some questions. Why would this leader plunge our nation into such a disaster? If the nations of the world community have denounced such an action, would they rise up against America? Wouldn't the population of the US rise up against such an action? I can only hope and pray that the use of the information that follows in this article will never take place.


Executive Orders from the office of the Presidency, often termed, "The Ten Planks of Communism," have been written into law to handle such a crisis.


Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) (and other emergency agencies):

F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has been authorized for the past 15 years by Presidential Executive Orders to confiscate all property from the American People, separate families in the current 43 internment camps (already built and operational by the way The largest can confine somewhere on the order of 100,000 American citizens - they are listed below), called relocation camps by the government, for assignment to work camps; declares martial law and totally overrides the U.S. Constitution. Presidential Executive Orders that are related or control this are given in this article. One of the state prisons listed in Georgia is currently empty, although manned by a minimal number of staff, have been setup and intentionally unpopulated by prisoners just to support this political policy. The military along with local police agencies have been engaged in "Urban Combat Training" not in cities that represent the Middle East, Iraq or Afghanistan, but American cities. Plans for border checkpoints, that's borders between states, are in place to detect possible internal terrorists or those that would dissent against the current administration.

The Federal Government already has mechanisms in place to "put down" any armed "insurrection" of Americans banded together in defense of their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.

During a declared national emergency, Executive Orders -- already recorded in the Federal register and treated by Congress as the "law of the land" -- can be ordered (by the President) into effect at any time.

What are Presidential Executive Orders?

In Short they are dictatorial powers provided to the President, and were originally intended to be used in national emergency situations such as war. They are actually illegal because they bypass the constitutional requirements to pass laws through congressional approval only. Executive orders are simply filed in the Federal Register by the President and after 30 days they become law just as though they had been passed by Congress.

Bill Clinton has been quoted as stating in his first campaign bid for the presidency that, "If elected I will govern by executive order." He has kept his word by implementing more American sovereignty-threatening orders than any president! Several of his Executive Orders (PDD's)have been sealed and the actual contents are not even known by Congress.

By the Way, All Executive Orders, Presidential Decision Directives, Presidential Proclamations, Presidential Declarations and Treaties are considered executive orders when they are instituted by the President without the authority or approval of Congress.

Unfortunately many of these orders are secretive and some have been withheld and even removed from the federal register. Others are only published in part. For example, in the case of Clinton's PDD # 25, even members of the Congress and Senate have been denied access to it's complete text. This is the order that is believed to place the U.S. Military under United Nations authority.

Here is a partial list of some of the original executive orders that the President John F. Kennedy instituted. These orders placed unprecedented authority at the president's disposal, that he can enforce during a national crises. He can declare a national crises or emergency for any reason he deems necessary, whether the American people or congress like it or not. These orders give the president the powers of an absolute dictator and the right to practice total tyranny over the population of this nation. He would have complete control of the armed services to enforce these E.O.'s. Here is the partial list of executive orders and the authority each gave the president:

Executive Orders:

Under F.E.M.A., the Executive Orders which are already written and is the current law of the land, calls for the COMPLETE suspension of the United States Constitution, all rights and liberties, as they are currently known, including freedom of speech and assembly. The following executive orders, which are in the Federal Register located in Washington DC for anyone to request copies of, call for the suspension of all civil rights and liberties and for extraordinary measures to be taken in, as most of the orders state, "any national security emergency situation that might confront the government." When F.E.M.A. is implemented, the following executive orders will be immediately enforced:

E.O. 12148 - FEMA national security emergency, such as: national disaster, social unrest, insurrection, or national financial crisis.

E.O. 10995 - "... provides for the seizure of all communications media in the United States."

E.O. 10997 - "... provides for the seizure of all electric power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals, both public and private."

E.O. 10998 - "... provides for the seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private, and ALL farms, lands, and equipment."

E.O. 10999 - "... provides for the seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways."

E.O. 11000 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL American people for work forces under federal supervision, including splitting up of families if the government has to."

E.O. 11001 - "... provides for government seizure of all health, education and welfare functions."

E.O. 11002 - "... designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons." (Under this order, you would report to your local post office to be separated and assigned to a new area. Here is where families would be separated).

E.O. 11003 - "... provides for the government to take over ALL airports and aircraft, commercial, public and private."

E.O. 11004 - "... provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations."

E.O. 11005 - "... provides for the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities."

E.O. 11051 - "... the office of Emergency Planning (has) complete authorization to put the above orders into effect in time of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis."

All of the above executive orders were combined by President Nixon into Executive Order 11490, which allows all of this to take place if a national emergency is declared by the President. The burning and insurrection in Los Angeles in the case of Rodney King could have (and partially did) execute these Executive Orders.

Executive Order 12919: "National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness" signed by Clinton June 3, 1994, delegates authorities, responsibilities and allocations of F.E.M.A.'s Executive Orders (last entry) for the confiscation of all property from the American people, and their relocation and assignment to "labor" camps. The Executive Order also supersedes or revokes eleven (11) previous Executive Orders (from 1939 through 1991) and amends Executive Order 10789 and 11790. This executive order is a Declaration of War against the
American people by the Government of the United States in concert with the United Nations.

Operation Dragnet. John Ashcroft can implement this operation upon receiving one call from the President. Arrest warrants will be issued via computer to roundup over 1 million patriotic Americans who may 'resist' the New World Order. Americans who are not 'politically correct.' Specifically mentioned are Christians or those who read the Bible. concentration/internment camps have already been built to accommodate these American prisoners. See the below paragraph (entitled: Concentration (internment) Camps) as these internment camps have been setup and are run by F.E.M.A.

Operation Rolling Thunder. Reno and Benson have mentioned this operation which comprises county-wide sweeps of house to house, dynamic entry, search and seizures for all guns and food stockpiles by B.A.T.F., State national guard, active duty soldiers, as well as local police. This function is also run and coordinated through F.E.M.A.

Public Law 100-690 banned almost all religious gatherings (not yet enforced); grants no-knock search and seizures with a search warrant; expands the drug laws to include EVERY American. This will generally be the prelude or in addition to a F.E.M.A. operation and contingency plan implementation.

The Omnibus Crime Bill of 1990. Ensures confiscation of all private property via money laundering, environmental violations of the Clean Water and Air Act, and extends as far as child abuse. This act also coordinates activities through F.E.M.A. and the Department of the Army, Commanding General, U.S. Forces Command, Fort McPherson, GA which is the executive and implementing agency upon initiation of many of these acts. The responsible agency within U.S. Army Forces Command was what used to be known as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans Division (DCSOPS, Plans), which was changed several years ago to J-3 after the Headquarters became a joint headquarters. They keep on file copies of all F.E.M.A. Emergency Management Operation Plans, including those plans developed by the Army to support the F.E.M.A. plan to eliminate the U.S. Constitution upon implementation. According to current plans, the Constitution will be temporarily discontinued and shelved until the real or perceived and declared 'threat' has been neutralized. But once 'shelved,' as with almost every other action of the Government, it stays shelved.

The Crime Bill of 1994. Banning of all military weapons which are necessary to the formation of a militia (when needed), denies other military equipment to the people's militia units, prelude to confiscating ALL guns in the hands of private citizens, destroys the 1st Amendment, and makes virtually every American an outlaw. See above comments concerning the house-to-house search. The agency responsible for the actual implementation and search is the Department of the Army in concert with local and state police, including F.E.M.A., FBI, BATF, and other Federal Agencies. The current push to outlaw guns and require gun owner registration is preemptive, giving authorities knowledge of who has them and where to find them.

Even though the above listed E.O's, authored by President John Kennedy, have been revoked and\or amended at least ten times, their content has remained alive and well under subsequent E.O.'s. Nixon revoked most of the above E.O.'s, but then replaced them with E.O. 11490, which still gave the federal government powerful tools to institute martial law. E.O. 11490 was later revoked and replaced by Ronald Reagan's E.O.'s 12656 and 12657, which gave FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) even more power than they had already received from Jimmy Carter's E.O. 12148. George Bush extended FEMA's Powers even more by giving them control of all the disaster and "emergency" functions.

With all these at his disposal, Bill Clinton added E.O. 12919 to the mix in 1994 giving him a full arsenal of E.O.'s to allow him (with FEMA at the helm) to have all the laws and operating guidelines in place to implement a horrendously intrusive and dictatorial state of martial law on the citizens of the USA. Bush, now president, can do this as a result of virtually anything he alone decides constitutes a national emergency.

Concentration (internment) Camps

An Executive Order signed by then President Bush in 1989 authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) to build 43 primary camps (having a capacity of 35,000 to 45,000 prisoners EACH) and also authorized hundreds of secondary facilities. It is interesting to note that several of these facilities can accommodate 100,000 prisoners.

The 10 main camps are:

Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas;
Ft. Drum, New York;
Ft. Indian Gap, Pennsylvania;
Camp A. P. Hill, Virginia;
Oakdale, California;
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida;
Vendenberg AFB, California;
Ft. Mc Coy, Wisconsin;
Ft. Benning, Georgia;
Ft. Huachuca, Arizona;
Camp Krome, Florida.

Garden Plot camp locations in WASHINGTON state are:

Seattle/Tacoma - SeaTac Airport: fully operational federal transfer center
Okanogan County - Borders Canada and is a site for a massive concentration camp capable of holding hundreds of thousands of people for slave labor. This is probably one of the locations that will be used to hold hard core patriots who will be held captive for the rest of their lives.
Sand Point Naval Station - Seattle - Federal prison detention camp, used actively during the 1999 WTO protests to classify prisoners.
Ft. Lewis / McChord AFB - near Tacoma - This is one of several sites that may be used to ship prisoners overseas for slave labor.


FEMA Command & Control

Few Americans--indeed, few Congressional reps--are aware of the existence of Mount Weather, a mysterious underground military base carved deep inside a mountain near the sleepy rural town of Bluemont, Virginia, just 46 miles from Washington DC. Mount Weather--also known as the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations--is buried not just in hard granite, but in secrecy as well.

In March, 1976, The Progressive Magazine published an astonishing article entitled "The Mysterious Mountain." The author, Richard Pollock, based his investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and upon "several off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated with Mount Weather." His report, and a 1991 article in Time Magazine entitled "Doomsday Hideaway", supply a few compelling hints about what is going on underground.

Ted Gup, writing for Time, describes the base as follows:

Mount Weather is a virtually self-contained facility. Aboveground, scattered across manicured lawns, are about a dozen buildings bristling with antennas and microwave relay systems. An on-site sewage-treatment plant, with a 90,000 gal.-a-day capacity, and two tanks holding 250,000 gal. of water could last some 200 people more than a month; underground ponds hold additional water supplies. Not far from the installation's entry gate are a control tower and a helicopter pad. The mountain's real secrets are not visible at ground level.
The mountain's "real secrets" are protected by warning signs, 10 foot-high chain link fences, razor wire, and armed guards. Curious motorists and hikers on the Appalachian trail are relieved of their sketching pads and cameras and sent on their way. Security is tight.
The government has owned the site since 1903; it has seen service as an artillery range, a hobo farm during the Depression, and a National Weather Bureau Facility. In 1936, the U.S. Bureau of Mines took control and started digging.

Mount Weather is virtually an underground city, according to former personnel interviewed by Pollock. Buried deep inside the earth, Mount Weather was equipped with such amenities as:

Mount Weather is the self-sustaining underground command center for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The facility is the operational center--the hub--of approximately 100 other Federal Relocation Centers, most of which are concentrated in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina. Together this network of underground facilities constitutes the backbone of America's "Continuity of Government" program. In the event of nuclear war, declaration of martial law, or other national emergency, the President, his cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch would be "relocated" to Mount Weather.

What Does Congress Know about Mount Weather?

According to the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights hearings in 1975, Congress has almost no knowledge and no oversight --budgetary or otherwise--on Mount Weather. Retired Air Force General Leslie W. Bray, in his testimony to the subcommittee, said "I am not at liberty to describe precisely what is the role and the mission and the capability that we have at Mount Weather, or at any other precise location."

Apparently, this underground capital of the United States is a secret only to Congress and the US taxpayers who paid for it. The Russians know about it, as reported in Time:

"Few in the U.S. government will speak of it, though it is assumed that all along the Soviets have known both its precise location and its mission (unlike the Congress, since Bray wouldn't tell); defense experts take it as a given that the site is on the Kremlin's targeting maps."
The Russians attempted to buy real estate right next door, as a "country estate" for their embassy folks, but that deal was dead-ended by the State Department. Mount Weather's "Government-in-Waiting"

Pollock's report, based on his interviews with former officials at Mount Weather, contains astounding information on the base's personnel. The underground city contains a parallel government-in-waiting:

"High-level Governmental sources, speaking in the promise of strictest anonymity, told me [Pollock] that each of the Federal departments represented at Mount Weather is headed by a single person on whom is conferred the rank of a Cabinet-level official. Protocol even demands that subordinates address them as "Mr. Secretary." Each of the Mount Weather "Cabinet members" is apparently appointed by the White House and serves an indefinite term... many through several Administrations....The facility attempts to duplicate the vital functions of the Executive branch of the Administration."

Nine Federal departments are replicated within Mount Weather (Agriculture; Commerce; Health, Education & Welfare; Housing & Urban Development; Interior; Labor; State; Transportation; and Treasury) as well as at least five Federal agencies (Federal Communications Commission, Selective Service, Federal Power Commission, Civil Service Commission, and the Veterans Administration). The Federal Reserve and the U.S. Post Office, both private corporations, also have offices in Mount Weather.

Pollock writes that the "cabinet members" are "apparently" appointed by the White House and serve an indefinite term, but that information cannot be confirmed, raising the further question of who holds the reins on this "back-up government." Furthermore, appointed Mount Weather officials hold their positions through several elected administrations, transcending the time their appointers spend in office. Unlike other presidential nominees, these appointments are made without the public advice or consent of the Senate.

Is there an alternative President and Vice President as well? If so, who appoints them?

Pollock says only this: "As might be expected, there is also an Office of the Presidency at Mount Weather. The Federal Preparedness Agency (precursor to FEMA) apparently appoints a special staff to the Presidential section, which regularly receives top secret national security estimates and raw data from each of the Federal departments and agencies.

What Do They Do At Mount Weather?

Collect Data on American Citizens - The Senate Subcommittee in 1975 learned that the "facility held dossiers on at least 100,000 Americans. [Senator] John Tunney later alleged that the Mount Weather computers can obtain millions of pieces of additional information on the personal lives of American citizens simply by tapping the data stored at any of the other ninety-six Federal Relocation Centers."

The subcommittee concluded that Mount Weather's databases "operate with few, if any, safeguards or guidelines."

Store Necessary Information

The Progressive article detailed that "General Bray gave Tunney's subcommittee a list of the categories of files maintained at Mount Weather: military installations, government facilities, communications, transportation, energy and power, agriculture, manufacturing, wholesale and retail services, manpower, financial, medical and educational institutions, sanitary facilities, population, housing shelter, and stockpiles." This massive database fits cleanly into Mount Weather's ultimate purpose as the command center in the event of a national emergency.

Play War Games

This is the main daily activity of the approximately 240 people who work at Mount Weather. The games are intended to train the Mount Weather bureaucracy to managing a wide range of problems associated with both war and domestic political crises.

Decisions are made in the "Situation Room," the base's nerve center, located in the core of Mount Weather. The Situation Room is the archetypal war room, with "charts, maps and whatever visuals may be needed" and "batteries of communications equipment connecting Mount Weather with the White House and "Raven Rock"--the underground Pentagon sixty miles north of Washington--as well as with almost every US military unit stationed around the globe," according to The Progressive article. "All internal communications are conducted by closed-circuit color television ... senior officers and "Cabinet members" have two consoles recessed in the walls of their office."

Descriptions of the war games read a bit like a Ian Fleming novel. Every year there is a system-wide alert that "includes all military and civilian-run underground installations." The real, aboveground President and his Cabinet members are "relocated" to Mount Weather to observe the simulation. Post-mortems are conducted and the margins for error are calculated after the games. All the data is studied and documented.

Civil Crisis Management

Mount Weather personnel study more than war scenarios. Domestic "crises" are also tracked and watched, and there have been times when Mount Weather almost swung into action, as Pollock reported:

"Officials who were at Mount Weather during the 1960s say the complex was actually prepared to assume certain governmental powers at the time of the 1961 Cuban missile crisis and the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. The installation used the tools of its "Civil Crisis Management" program on a standby basis during the 1967 and 1968 urban riots and during a number of national antiwar demonstrations, the sources said."

In its 1974 Annual Report, the Federal Preparedness Agency stated that "Studies conducted at Mount Weather involve the control and management of domestic political unrest where there are material shortages (such as food riots) or in strike situations where the FPA determines that there are industrial disruptions and other domestic resource crises."

The Mount Weather facility uses a vast array of resources to continually monitor the American people. According to Daniel J. Cronin, former assistant director for the FPA, Reconnaissance satellites, local and state police intelligence reports, and Federal law enforcement agencies are just a few of the resources available to the FPA [now FEMA] for information gathering. "We try to monitor situations and get to them before they become emergencies," Cronin said. "No expense is spared in the monitoring program."

Maintain and Update the "Survivors List"

Using all the data generated by the war games and domestic crisis scenarios, the facility continually maintains and updates a list of names and addresses of people deemed to be "vital" to the survival of the nation, or who can "assist essential and non-interruptible services." In the 1976 article, the "survivors list" contained 6,500 names, but even that was deemed to be low.

Who Pays for All This, and How Much?

At the same time tens of millions of dollars were being spent on maintaining and upgrading the complex to protect several hundred designated officials in the event of nuclear attack, the US government drastically reduced its emphasis on war preparedness for US citizens. A 1989 FEMA brochure entitled "Are You Prepared?" suggests that citizens construct makeshift fallout shelters using used furniture, books, and other common household items.

Officially, Mount Weather (and its budget) does not exist. FEMA refuses to answer inquiries about the facility; as FEMA spokesman Bob Blair told Time magazine, "I'll be glad to tell you all about it, but I'd have to kill you afterward."

We don't know how much Mount Weather has cost over the years, but of course, American taxpayers bear this burden as well. A Christian Science Monitor article entitled "Study Reveals US Has Spent $4 Trillion on Nukes Since '45" reports that "The government devoted at least $12 billion to civil defense projects to protect the population from nuclear attack. But billions of dollars more were secretly spent on vast underground complexes from which civilian and military officials would run the government during a nuclear war."

What is Mount Weather's Ultimate Purpose?

We have seen that Mount Weather contains an unelected, parallel "government-in-waiting" ready to take control of the United States upon word from the President or his successor. The facility contains a massive database of information on U.S. citizens which is operated with no safeguards or accountability. Ostensibly, this expensive hub of America's network of sub-terran bases was designed to preserve our form of government during a nuclear holocaust.

But Mount Weather is not simply a Cold War holdover. Information on command and control strategies during national emergencies have largely been withheld from the American public. Executive Order 11051, signed by President Kennedy on October 2, 1962, states that "national preparedness must be achieved... as may be required to deal with increases in international tension with limited war, or with general war including attack upon the United States."

However, Executive Order 11490, drafted by Gen. George A Lincoln (former director for the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the FPA's predecessor) and signed by President Nixon in October 1969, tells a different story. EO 11490, which superceded Kennedy's EO 11051, begins, "Whereas our national security is dependent upon our ability to assure continuity of government, at every level, in any national emergency type situation that might conceivably confront the nation..."

As researcher William Cooper points out, Nixon's order makes no reference to "war," "imminent attack," or "general war." These quantifiers are replaced by an extremely vague "national emergency type situation" that "might conceivably" interfere with the workings of the national power structure. Furthermore, there is no publicly known Executive Order outlining the restoration of the Constitution after a national emergency has ended. Unless the parallel government at Mount Weather does not decide out of the goodness of its heart to return power to Constitutional authority, the United States could experience an honest-to-God coup d'etat posing as a national emergency.

As I said, all it would take is a significant national crisis of sufficient magnitude for the President of the United States to declare "Martial Law." Life in these United States would then cease to exist as we know it today. Executive Orders placed into law by Presidents in the last several decades would take effect and override the US Constitution and put into play the powers that these orders grant to the President and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Once this happens, according to the powers granted by these orders, George W. Bush Jr, with his Father in tow, could be President indefinitely. Perhaps this is the true meaning of current world events.

Sound like a coup?

It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the enemies you need.



Note: The Constitution was suspended on March 9th 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared a state of national emergency and was granted a broad range of executive powers by congress to deal with the Great Depression under the War Powers Act of 1917. No president since then has ordered a proclamation ending the the national emergency. It still exists and the Constipation remains suspended, when national emergencies or wars are declared, allowing presidential executive powers to go unchecked. This also means that the president can declare a national emergency and order martial law at anytime!

Another note: All executive orders, whether revoked or amended, are supposed to remain listed in the Federal Resister. However, for some strange reason the text of Bill Clinton's "Federalism" E.O. 13083 signed in 1998 mysteriously vanished from the Register! After being exposed for what it was, an executive order that would essentially seize and federally centralize the powers of all the states, this order was later suspended (not revoked).

Because the White House Government site doesn't keep the text of E.O.'s further back than 1993, I suggest using the following House of Representatives site to search for older executive orders:

This is the site of the Federal Register. It will show you a list of executive orders beginning with JFK, but it is difficult to locate the texts of EO's at this site:

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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